Review of Champion

Champion (2005)
Engaging, inspiring but flawed documentary
25 October 2005
I saw this as part of the Hollywood Film Festival. Unfamiliar with Danny Trejo's work I was totally captivated by the story of his life. From a troubled background with disinterested parents, Danny's life looked bleak. This is the story of Danny's descent into drugs, armed robbery, gangs, alcoholism, incarceration, despair and ultimate redemption as a drugs counsellor and tough-guy actor. As this was a special screening there was a Q&A with Danny and Director Joe Eckardt where they explained that this movie came from an interview with Danny on Latino actors that was supposed to be 3 minutes long, but Danny was so interesting they decided to tell his life story in a stand alone documentary. Danny's story isn't all tears - there's a lot of laughter too and some genuinely moving moments. The editing is erratic and the interviewer vapid but I really hope this gets distribution (and I hope the distributor invests in re-editing) as this story needs a wider audience.
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