Just when you thought Hollywood had ruined every single old TV-show...
15 October 2005
Well, here it is... the Inspector Gadget film. The TV-show-made-movie. The live-action version of an almost 20 year old animated series. The complete and utter disaster of a film. While this film may be somewhat entertaining to kids under the age of 7(and even that is a stretch), it's terribly insulting to anyone older than that. The plot is contrived and stupid beyond belief. The pacing is non-existent. The acting is either over- or underdone. The characters are paper-thin stereotypes. The tone is childish. The humor is incredibly poor. The whole film is so obviously directed at kids, no one else could find it even tolerable. It's so... Disney. All the way through it. A character even points out that "this is a Disney movie". In case anyone was wondering. Just to make sure we know where to direct our anger. Wouldn't want any undeserving poor sap(s) to be blamed for this mess. I could barely, with enormous amounts of effort, concentrate on watching a few seconds in a row of this film... after which I had to turn away, out of fear it might rot my brain or at the very least diminish its capacity to keep watching. It's almost physically painful to look at this film. I read that this film was cut down to 78 minutes... from 110. I can't help but wonder; if they knew it was so bad, why did they leave any film at all? I'd have destroyed all master tapes, personally. One to be approached with caution and an appropriate amount of childishness. Otherwise, it's fair to assume you won't make it out of the viewing with your sanity. I recommend this only to children and the most overbearing parents of such. Everyone else should avoid. 1/10
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