Staying Alive (1983)
You gotta dance for yo' right to surVIVE!
14 October 2005
"Saturday Night Fever" is one of the best films ever made because it deals with more than just "dancing." The disco it is so famous for is nothing more than a backdrop - the film's primary focus is actually on its protagonist, Tony Manero, and his dream that he plans to follow...anyone can relate to the story because every person has an aspiration or two.

The sequel is simply derivative and not at all inspirational. It makes a mockery of the first film by transferring its character to the Broadway stage where his mission in life has suddenly changed - now Tony wants to abruptly become a REAL dancer rather than the king of the groovy dance floor.

This movie is lame. John Travolta's good friend, Sylvester Stallone, decided to direct it for him after the huge success of "Rocky II" in 1979. Stallone was a bankable director. This failed him.

The movie is a joke. It not only undermines the viewer at every intellectual level but is nothing more than an exploitative dance movie wherein Travolta gets to show off his buff body and do what he always does best: dance.

A lot.

This movie is all dancing...say what you will about the silly disco of "Saturday Night Fever" - it had a strong central theme and we cared about Tony and his goals. John Badham set up a strong background for Tony and examined his home life, motivations and attitude.

This has none of the above. It's just Tony going to the stage and showing off his moves, with Stallone making a stupid cameo on the dance floor. It's like two good friends got together and said, "Hey, let's make a really serious sequel and try to win some Oscars." Well, guess what, fellas - it stinks!
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