Review of The Fog

The Fog (2005)
Good shocks and scares
12 October 2005
The Fog is a nice collection of "BOO!" scares that doesn't really try to be more than it is: hot young people in trouble. While the story isn't all that mindblowing ("There's something IN the fog!!!"), it had enough shocks to keep us Premiere-crashers giddy.

Tom Welling plays Tom Welling, a thick fisherman stud with blue eyes, with his buddy played by a guy who sounds like Chris Tucker Jr., who gets off all the (intentionally) funny lines.

Welling's girlfriend is played by Maggie "no, the other hot girl from LOST" Grace. She enjoys showing off her underwear often, which never hurts. Maggie has returned from Manhattan to her hometown island because of terrible dreams she's been having involving drowning lepers in pirate costumes, and she needs Welling's help.

Welling, however, fails to mention about the affair he's been having with MILFy (Selma Blair). Selma plays Milfy very well, and she manages to be simultaneously likable as a single-mom and lustable as a perpetually hungover DJ.

Oh, yeah...the plot: It seems that The Fog (and the angry spirits that "are IN the fog!") have come to get revenge on the residents of the island for the sins of their fathers a hundred years back. That's all we really care about, right? Just establish the excuses to rack up the body count.

It's obviously a PG-13 film, since there's not buckets of blood and intestines dripping everywhere. But as I said before, the numerous "BOO!" shock moments as people get stabbed, cooked and squashed are pretty nice.

The real litmus test of this came 5 minutes into the screening when the projectionist messed up the sound, and they had to start the film over. So when they replayed the first scene, the audience jumped at the Teaser Big Death just as much the second time as they did the first.

It was REFRESHING to see a horror film that wasn't all self-aware and meta. This is anti- Kevin Williamson. Aside from maybe one crack about Chris Tucker Jr. not waiting around to be the next one killed, there is a nice lack of self-awareness with the characters. Maybe they just don't get horror movies very often in their secluded island village, but no one ever gives the old wink/nod to the audience that they knew…that we knew…that they were acting in a horror film.

It was also nice it was to see a horror/suspense film to NOT have a crazy, last second TWIST ENDING that causes the audience to grumble to themselves as they shuffle out. I'm not spoiling anything by saying that. The film is nice and scary right up until the end, but they managed to resist the temptation to go for a silly M. Night Shyamalan ending. In the end, it was a good time for a teenage Halloween film.
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