Herr Lang's German SwanSong
10 October 2005
Fritz Lang, the greatest of directors, finished this film and fled Germany as the Third Reich was raising it's ugly head. And what a film it is!!!! Although it may be too stylized for some, it speaks volumes of what was to come in noir film making. The story is a little over the top but that only adds to the appeal.

With only limited screen time, Rudolf Klein-Rogge is just magnificent. What a face!!! I became familiar with him as Rotwang in Metropolis and have tried to view any film in which he appears. Unhappily, his presence in this film is more felt than seen but still worth the effort. He reprises the Mabuse character from the earlier "Dr. Mabuse, der Spieler" which ended with him being incarcerated in an mental hospital. This film picks up where the other left off and the scenes in the hospital with Klein-Rogge are mesmerizing.

The opening scene as a fugitive is trapped beneath the factory gives the story a kick start as the pounding of the machinery drives him (and viewers) to distraction. No dialogue is necessary.

The love story is a little weak but does not detract from the overall film. There is also a scene which fascinates.....it involves the shooting of a character at a traffic light.....fantastic.

I would recommend this films to anyone unfamiliar with Herr Lang's work. You will become a lifelong fanatic!
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