Review of Naken

Naken (2000)
I want to ad this as one of the 100 worst ever made... but people seem to like it.
2 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, here I am, sitting in a bus on my way to I19 Boden, as one of those chaps that gets drafted each year in Sweden to be trained in combat in case of war...

The bus ride is 8,5 hours long so a movie is welcomed as time-distraction. I am a movie-going bastard, its my favorite hobby...

Then the movie starts. A guy is having a bachelor-party, his "friends" drag him, while past out, into an elevator, puts a condom in his ass and leaves him there. He wakes up pulls out his condom, and tries to get to the wedding naked. OK, did you get that? No worries. This filmmakers decided that he would suddenly wake up in that elevator again, and again, and again, and again, and gain, and again ad infinitum(I lost interest after the first few) and again and again... after the first 20 or so minutes of this movie, I was ready to scream. And guess what? he wakes up again (you beginning to see a pattern here?) after 45 minutes I was shielding my eyes and covering my ears... "please make it stop! I'll do anything... anything... just make it stop!!!" I now understand how Alex in A Clockwork Orange must have felt while undergoing his treatment... this is psychological warfare at it's worst.

To top it off, the film-making, screen writing and acting skills is of a zero-budget Bulgarian hardcore porno, without any sexual intent whatsoever, shot with the cheapest possible video-camera as the only equipment.

I am therefore confused about some of the ratings... was I even watching the same movie as them? I don't know.

I never want to see this film again, period.

Oh, that's right. I checked the spoiler-warning-check-box. OK, he gets the girl in the end. But I didn't care by then. I wanted to take the video out and burn it to ashes and then... do something very obscene on it just to let off my steam. This was almost a year ago, and just the thought of this still makes my blood boil. I still love movies of almost any kind, mind you.
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