This was a propaganda effort. I think Churchill was wrong.
25 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this film again yesterday, accompanied by my Hungarian born wife. We are both 76. We both lived through the war on opposite sides. Remember that in 1942, when making it started, Britain was still in the beginning stages of achieving the upper hand in the war. Propaganda was still a necessary weapon. Hence the speeches delivered by Anton Walbrook. Yes, there was a point made about old-fashioned attitudes which did exist. Those who criticise the film as being boring, out of date, etc are possibly overwhelmed by more modern techniques of script writing, special effects, CGI, large forces of extras and the like. These were simply not available in war torn Britain. Even the possibility to use Technicolor was quite extraordinary to cinema goers of that time. Look carefully at the backdrops - many exteriors seen through windows are painted. This was a minor masterpiece made under difficult circumstances. My wife, seeing it for the first time, found it excellent.
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