Plagued with inconsistencies.
22 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Actually a 6.5 out of 10."

Not a good way for a generations final journey to being.

Though a relatively decent movie, it is plagued with inconsistencies. From an interview, John Logan is a Star Trek: The Next Generation fan, but it seems as though he neglected to truly include that series into the movie. As well as the other Star Trek series, such as Deep Space Nine and Voyager.

Such inconsistencies includes (mostly based upon trailers and the 3 mentioned Star Trek series) the initial introduction of the Remans. Worf being on board the Enterprise though he is suppose to be an ambassador to Qo'noS (Klingon home world) at the series finale of DS9. Having Wesley Crusher making a cameo when he is suppose to be with a super being known as the Traveller. As well as technical information of the Enterprise that doesn't conform to information with a previous movie. As well as what could be ridiculous technology or equipment that includes the Star Fleet "SUV." But what is even more troubling is that nearly a third of the movie wasn't shown, which includes a very intense scene on the turbolift involving Counsellor Troi. Shown on the trailer, but not on the movie. And some of those deleted scenes could have added support to the movie. Fortunately many of the inconsistencies are mended with Star Trek novels that are directly related to the movie.

However, everyone in the movie did make a real attempt at making this a good movie, with some success. In fact, though plagued with budget constraints, many areas of the limited budget made the movie even better. For example, the planet Kolarus III was shot with digital flairing and other relatively inexpensive techniques, and it really felt like you were on an alien planet. And on a scene that has Captain Picard interacting with Shinzon via hologram, the hologram was originally suppose to be partially transparent, but budget restrictions made Shinzon solid but with a distorted voice, yet felt more true to the interaction between the two of them.

Mostly a remake of Star Trek's 2 and 6, it's okay, but the inconsistencies and clichés really hurts it. Otherwise, it would be about an 8 or 9 out of 10.
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