Not recommended for fans
21 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The songs, although catchy (with one exception, noted later) detract away from the pure crap this movie really was. The costumes were below par, suddenly the turtles has very prominent spots and began looking like KISS rejects. The fight scenes were pathetic. Foot soldiers would run up to the Turtles, and a very pathetic kick about one foot off the ground would send them flying.

I watched this as a kid and was not impressed, and looking back on it now over 15 years later, I still hate it. April, singing her HORRIBLE ballad made me sick. We always fast forwarded past that song. And how can being restrained by light rope be done? I don't know The only good thing in here was a line from the Shredder about Barry Manilow..."He writes the songs that makes the whole world PUKE!" Other than that, don't see this movie if you want your childhood memories spoiled of the cartoon show. Avoid this, and TMNT III like the plague. The new FOX series is OK, but it lacks the soul of the original.
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