The Quest (1986)
If you saw this as a child... and didn't like it, you probably have no soul!
18 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have not seen this in 15 years but it has stayed with me enough to look it up here, (more than you can say for most films aimed at kids.) At the time I think we did watch it hoping it would be another 'Goonies.' What we found was different and slower but still fantastic at inspiring the imagination. Frankly if you found it confusing or overly wordy then you were either very young or pretty dumb. The pragmatic lead kid is sure there must be a rational explanation to an Aboriginal story about a spooky lake. He does indeed discover that the 'donkegine' is really just a donkey engine left at the bottom of the lake (maybe the writer was watching Star Trek the motion picture or something) but he learns about an alternate and interesting culture as well as I suppose grasping that there isn't an answer to everything out there. It's a charming 'coming of age' story that I'd like to see again.
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