Dreams Don't Die (1982 TV Movie)
Dreams don't die....
18 September 2005
Yes, I remember this movie when it aired on television, can't remember what station, in San Francisco. I am a San Franciscan and grew up and went to school in the Mission District in the early, mid, and late 70s and to see this strange thing of a young kid, close to my age, doing this weird act of spray painting on the side of a train did not reflect what was happening in the bay area. This is the days before the media hit everybody else onthe head with the concept of graffiti and related arts. I enjoyed, nevertheless, because I could see that the young person the actor( I recongized from the Disney films, 'Escape from witch mountain and its enjoyable sequel) was portraying was earnest, although I could not understand the earnestness in regards to doing this thing on the train. And being from the bay area, there was no kid doing this. NONE. Which, as an aside, I do not look to artists from the bay area, with too much admiration. This film, as a parting commentary, I enjoyed very much and remember fondly from the days when I was a younger age. I would like to have a copy of my own for this reason. Thank you.
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