Review of The Beast

The Beast (1996)
not great like Jaws but worlds better than THE CREATURE
17 September 2005
First of all let me get one thing out of the way right up front. I like the actor William Petersen and I like his understated style of acting. He is never over-the-top and chews the scenery. He is also a very likable actor which is one reason why the CSI show is so popular. In fact, I think Petersen is such a good actor I would've really liked him to tackle the part of the lead character in the forthcoming adaptation of Don Brown's book which is going to star Tom Hanks instead which I believe is a colossal blunder of casting in my personal opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love Tom Hanks and his movies but for that part I think he is all wrong. But who knows he may prove me wrong.

Now getting back to THE BEAST. I mostly liked the film but besides the inevitable comparisons with Jaws, Tentacles and Orca, the fact remains the beast was not very believable and even worse not particularly scary. I don't know if posters remember an Ed Wood film from the 50's called BRIDE OF THE MONSTER. It starred Bela Lugosi as a mad scientist who lived in a laboratory on the suburbs of a small town. For recreation, he fed some of the local inhabitants to a giant squid or octopus he keeps in his basement. The climax involved Lugosi being hoisted on his own petard and it is still quite a sight seeing Lugosi flailing about in the arms of the octopus wrapping them around himself to make it appear the thing is crushing him to death. Laughable to say the least. While THE BEAST does not come close to that sort of ineptitude, the stock cliché characters and the unbelievability/incredulity of the beast is almost enough to sink what otherwise could have been a great movie. Not bad for a time waster but if you have Jaws watch it instead.
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