Beyond Chance (1999– )
Beyond Chance Summary
15 September 2005
I have enjoyed this show immensely and believe these stories to be true. It is a show that gives one hope and a belief that we are being watched over.

I had been reading a book not to long ago about a story from the Nazi war camps. Shortly thereafter, I turned on the show and it was telling the same story except with the pictures of the real people it happened to. The show has stories ranging from something that seems very coincidental to shows that are very unique and seemingly unbelievable. Considering what is on television these days, this show makes you want to smile and look up.

Melissa Etheridge has a quite calming voice over the entire show. I found these stories to be amazing and uplifting. I am hoping this show returns and if not new stories. If for some reason the show cannot return, the reruns would well be worth the airtime.
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