Review of Ten

Ten (2005)
Totally derivative and quite devoid of any idea in directing
14 September 2005
This is the worst Michael-Bay-aping pseudo film I've ever seen. The acting is pathetic, the direction cretinous and the filming of the dance numbers downright criminal. The editor must have thought he was a wizard with all this frantic pasting, but it shows total disrespect for the dancers.The scene where the terrorist is eliminated somewhere in the open Canadian countryside is so unbelievably derivative (those RESERVOIR DOGS shots of guys clad in black advancing in slow-motion toward the camera)and ridiculous (the good guys seem to be impervious to bullets) it has to actually be promoted as a prime example of idiotic direction.And Sanjay Dutt must make a dramatic elephant out of the slightest existential fly. For the most undiscriminating audience only.
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