Review of Clean Slate

Clean Slate (1981)
in my top ten
12 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
let's see - our reviewers have, to date, set the novel in Texas, the Carolinas, Kansas and Florida. does it matter? no, because this is one of the best films ever made, and where you think it should have been set doesn't matter a bit. and don't be put off by comments of this being about an idiot who finally gets offended and runs amuck, or a serial killer, or that it lacks the suspense a good thriller needs,or that the film is a failed noir; it is a noir that breaks the mold and never tries to insert venetian blinds into colonial Africa. it is a film that has enough layers that after 4 viewings i am sure i have not plumbed them at all well. i just cannot imagine what some of these reviewers were watching; it really isn't for everyone. if your shtick is political correctness, skip this one - it is just full of people saying 'ni--er'. people say the eff-word, as well. go somewhere else if this offends. but if you are interested in what makes folks tick, and how much odd crap lurks just beneath your own skin and by extension that it isn't yours alone; it belongs to all of us - then just go see the movie. a remake? might as well remake Golgotha and see if you can't improve on the tone of the moment, or get the message across better....
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