Thriller: The Eyes Have It (1973)
Season 1, Episode 9
I can see clearly now
8 September 2005
'The Eyes Have It' is probably the joint highpoint of Thriller's first series - the other being 'The Colour Of Blood'. It is one of the most memorable episodes and will remain in your mind long after the closing credits. It was the first episode of Thriller I saw - as a repeat back in the early 1980s and it made a huge impression on my 9 year old mind.

The premise is simple but devastating in its execution. A band of three terrorists take refuge in a school for the blind where they have identified an ideal vantage point from which to assassinate a visiting head of state. To gain access they are forced to murder the head of the school and in a particularly vivid scene, this dastardly act occurs in full view of Sally (expertly played by Sinead Cusack). Gradually she realises that something is amiss and has difficulty in convincing her fellow students that they may in danger. However they find that their pooled resources can be quite effective despite their handicap and the action moves towards an unforgettable and dramatic climax.

The assassins are convincing - particularly the menacing Peter Vaughan as Anderson. Doubtless many viewers will remember him as the aggressive jewellery fence who ridicules a young thief's honesty in the McVities Fruit Goldgrain advertisements of the mid 1970s. 'Nick 'em? I bought 'em' 'He bought 'em!!!'

Well done to Shaun O'Riordan for some great directing - 'The Eyes Have It' is an outstanding episode and deserves to be seen by everyone.
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