Review of Centipede!

Centipede! (2004)
don't believe this guy
8 September 2005
for some reason, the first comment on this movie that is posted is from this guy: Check this Film Out!, 1 November 2004 Author: Donald Murphy from Kansas who gives it like 10 stars and a plot synopsis. from what it looks like, he works for the DVD company that put this out and he is trying to get you to buy his product. do not trust this man. if your idea of a good movie is bad plot with bad acting, cliché characters and dialog, lame special effects, and bad everything else (this is what i look for in a movie), you will think this movie is okay. as far as bad movies go, it is pretty middle of the road. as far as good movies go, it does not even rate. i was mildly entertained by this movie, but i would not recommend it. no wait. get it. it is sweet!
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