Franco + Eurocine = Sleep
4 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Another one of Franco's amazing Eurocine productions. It has all of the trademarks of this period of Franco's career: (and for Franco, a "period" usually adds up to about 20 movies) no name actors (save the occasional Howard Vernon appearance), virtually no dialog, or, at least, bizarre dubbing that seems like it is made of scraps from other dubbing sessions, strange, soporific scenes that doodle about for five or ten minutes then end abruptly, only to lead to another soporific scene that lasts five or ten minutes, and so on. Basically think of a normal movie in which all of the plot is trimmed out, yet, the movie has the same running time as a "normal" film. In place of plot there are ritualistically repeated scenes, in this case, pieces of tin with swastikas painted on them, spider webs, dirt moving, and nice looking desert vistas. The zombie attacks are what you would expect, ten minutes of badly made up extras with their mouths open veeeeeeery slowly strolling around while distorted wind sound effects play. Despite moving at the rate of continental drift, the zombies manage to sneak up on people none-the-less and devour them, which means that, if you are a sexy lady, they bite your ass, and if you are a dude, they sort of half bite, half strangle you. To pad the scant running time there is pointless WWII footage lifted from another movie, intercut with an actor from this movie pointing his gun and pretending to shoot while doing dramatic dives and spins from behind palm trees. One "zombie" is obviously a paper mache head held up with a stick, watching the scene were somebody holds the head while somebody else holds the hands, and they pretend to strangle an extra made me laugh out loud. I dozed off twice and was awakened by either the loud distorted wind noises or the dubbed screaming. The ending is great:

Antonio Mayans: Did you find what you were looking for?

Gay French Guy: I mostly found myself.

What that has to do with zombie attacks and lost Nazi gold I'm not sure. I am sure of the fact that it is hilarious to watch as the Gay French Guy gets his little Suzuki jeep-thing stuck in the sand during the last shot. I can almost hear Franco screaming: "Will you hurry it up? I've got three more movies to film this week!" Oh, and the Morrocian music is actually pretty good.
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