Very entertaining true ghost story!
4 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I have always loved ghost stories and have been fascinated with the Bell Witch for a long time, having read one of the books as a teenager. It is impossible to find a more amazing true ghost story. When I saw the great review in Haunted Times magazine, I was very excited to order the movie. I was not disappointed. You could tell immediately this was not a Hollywood film. The picture looks a little grainy in places and it seems a little dark in others. But this works for the film, because it gives it more of a realistic look in the dark candle scenes and makes it creepier. This, with some of the camera shots, makes it feel more at times like a documentary. It feels real, like you are watching a part of these peoples lives, and that drew me in. I thought for the most part the acting was very well done and the costumes and locations looked authentic. After watching the film, it rekindled my interest, so I checked out a book on the Bell Witch from the library. I was surprised how close the movie was to the original story. I especially liked the way they showed the different personalities of the spirit, showing it's kindness for Lucy, it's enjoyment for church, and it's sense of humor that is discussed so much it the book. If Hollywood had made this film, they would have made the ghost one note (just scary) and you would not have had such in-depth and realistic view of the haunting. But there is plenty of scary parts too! It is an amazing story and would be of great interest to anyone who enjoys the paranormal. The "Behind the Scenes" was very fascinating as well. This is as true and real as it gets!
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