Worst possible ending for a trilogy with such promise.
3 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
What was the point of this trilogy? Why take the pill to begin with? What were they fighting for? In the end the free humans settle for survival, and trade slavery for the rest of humanity for their own survival. If "peace" is the most important thing, why start the fight? In the first movie they tell us that freedom is the most important thing--without it you aren't really alive. It's worth giving up your life in the matrix; it's worth living a life underground in sewers and caves; it's worth fighting and dying for. By the third movie freedom wasn't as important as any of that. Leave humanity in bondage to the machines. Leave the matrix running and leave the free people in their caves. Just give us peace.

There was so much promise. Not only did the Wachowskis not meet that promise, they wimped out completely.
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