Clockwise (1986)
Even Cleese can't make this movie a memorable one.
2 September 2005
"Clockwise" is a very forgettable movie with only one plus and that one plus is comical genius John Cleese. Even though Cleese makes this movie definitely a watchable one, he can't help to make this movie to be a memorable one. This is not Cleese's fault but the fault of director Christopher Morahan, who obviously isn't the director with the most talent in the business.

The movie is very simply made and relies too much on the presence of Cleese. The rest of the characters, who definitely had some comical potential are ignored at too many points in the movie and therefore become completely unnecessary, distracting and perhaps even annoying, especially the three old ladies.

Also the technical aspects of the movie are disappointing. The camera work is awfully simple and the camera positions are just plain bad at times.

The story really isn't that bad and had quite some potential, however director Christopher Morahan didn't used the nice comical script to the maximum. The end result is a still watchable but certainly not memorable or recommendable comedy-movie. The movie has some laughs and it does has it moments but still it is a somewhat disappointing movie. Perhaps only true Cleese fans will find some joy in watching this movie but I'm sure that even they will be disappointed with this movie. As a Cleese fan you are of course way better of watching "Fawlty Towers" or the movie "A Fish Called Wanda".

You are better of watching another comical movie, still the movie is a watchable one for on a rainy afternoon.

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