1 September 2005
"Action in the North Atlantic" a war time tale of 1943 shows great special effects and battle scenes that have a realistic look to them. In fact, the film which turned up on cable recently, was a total surprise. Director Lloyd Bacon showed a flair with this WWII drama about the men that operated the Merchant Marine.

We are taken to the North Atlantic where a group of ships are made to form a convoy, hoping that being so close to each other, they might be protected from attacks. Little prepared the organizers of this idea for the arrival of the infamous German submarines and planes. The action one sees is centered in the Liberty ship that is heading for the old Soviet Union. The heroic account of what the crew of that ship experienced is a tribute to the courageous men that put their lives in peril in order to get their cargo to the different destinations.

Humphrey Bogart, as Lt. Joe Rossi, makes a great appearance. He is totally believable as the man who takes over for his wounded captain and brings the ship to safety. Raymond Massey plays Capt. Jarvis, a man totally dedicated to his profession. Alan Hale, Sam Levene and Dane Clark are seen as part of the brave crew of the Liberty. Ruth Gordon and Julie Bishop are the women left behind.

The film has a great black and white photography by Ted McCord and a haunting musical score by Adolph Deutsch. The battle scenes were staged by Lloyd Bacon with an uncredited assistance from Raoul Walsh and they are amazing for what was accomplished in those days where the technology wasn't so advanced.
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