religious right and the poet
31 August 2005
Dang, that was a good film. I felt that it never really got boring or repetitive (maybe slightly toward the end when it seemed to lack a certain rhythm) ---Of course being a documentary there will not necessarily be a a rescue and redemption after a fiery explosion--- Dan Johnston seemed to have the life of a muse--- one that could have all the aforementioned events in his life--- but in general it seemed like a hard long struggle--- someone who continues to pay his dues to the 'art god'--- his pilgrimages and aquatic sermons prove that his level of practice is beyond a rational explanation other than the ordinary 'crazed genius' or 'unfunctional art freak' (possibly a combination of the 2)--- a definite voyage outside of yourself--- the content and cohesiveness of the film transports you out of your own--- and into the life of an very interesting person--- ---LSD may not always help you--- ---i think that was the Christian Right stepping in--- and sure enough --- it really didn't seem like it helped much.

Enjoy the Dylanesque and W. Willis Fiasco of an unnerved emotional giant.

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