Fun and entertaining movie.
25 August 2005
One of the biggest problems, when it comes to choosing a movie nowadays, is the fact that we're influenced greatly by the media. Shows like Roger and Ebert and other movie critique shows do have their own valid points when judging the movies. However, I personally feel that often times, it is unfairly judged in a sense that too many technical things become the source of judgment. I feel that movies should be based on not only the technical aspects of it, but also how much of an entertainment it provided for you during the viewing. Simply put, the Poolhall Junkies is an entertaining sports movie. This movie won't ever come close to winning any major awards, but in my books it's a definite winner. It kept me entertained for the duration of the movie and I could honestly say that I enjoyed watching it. I don't really want to tell you anything specific about the movie because really, what is the point if I told you all about it? The bottom line is that you got to judge it for yourself... Don't always judge it based on what Roger and Ebert says!
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