Roy Scheider's Last Great Role?
21 August 2005
This is a little known thriller from the guy who wrote the screenplay for The Hitcher. Like that film, this one is a road movie.

Plot: two hit men rub out some mob witnesses but have to contend with a survivor, a plucky little kid.

Roy Scheider's performance as Cohen, the sleek professional hit-man is wonderful. When he slips on what looks like a pair of black rubber gloves at the start of the film, it somehow says almost all you need to know about him.

Adam Baldwin is equally impressive as the less slick and much less professional killer, the ominously psychopathic Tate, who likes to run over small animals while he drives...

This film is extremely tense in spots. And if you're a fan of films that end with a bang, you should enjoy the climactic confrontation between the cops, the killers, and that damned little kid! This might be Roy Scheider's last great role.
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