Sin & Redemption (1994 TV Movie)
Any other similar cases we have never heard about?
22 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
While watching this film, I started wondering if there are other woman in this same position of being married to a man who raped them and simply have not had an opportunity to discover that this is indeed the case. I mean, just how diabolical is the mind of a rapist as a whole? How does a woman recognize the symptoms of a man with various types of Jekyll and Hyde personality traits? I'll give you two good reasons why these are important types of questions to now try and bring up for open debate. The first is because during the time when President Clinton was going thru the impeachment process, NBC Dateline did a news show over-viewing President Bill Clinton allegedly date raping a woman named Juanita Broderick. The second is just before the elections were held in California to elect Arnold Schwarzenegger governor, the LA Times reported one specific case (out of 16) where a woman appears to be alleging that she was raped by Mr. Schwarzenegger. So this film made me wonder (in a non partisan manner) what it would be like if at a future point in time if all U.S. citizens were put in the awkward position of having to choose voting for either Hillary Clinton or Arnold Schwarzenegger for president of the USA.

Some of you may say that it is so unlikely that this type of scenario would ever take place, that it is not much of a point to try and make. My response would be that the main point here is that there may be a wide variety of corrupt people, holding a wide variety of great positions of power, who may have a wide variety of Jekyll and Hyde personality traits. This in turn is why I believe that we in the civilized world would be well advised to start learning how to become more proficient in recognizing all of the various types of Jekyll and Hyde personality traits that people may secretly have. So regardless of how inconsistent you felt the plot structure of this film was, I believe the one important message people should get from watching it, is that it should be considered a worthy stepping stone type of tool to consider using for the purpose of possibly helping to jump-start the whole process of learning how to become more proficient in understanding what the root causes are for people becoming inclined to want to create a Jekyll and Hyde type of personality profile for themselves.
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