Review of Epicenter

Epicenter (2000)
Nick Constantine sells out his country
21 August 2005
Amanda Foster's an undercover FBI agent with a fifteen-year-old daughter. She's been working undercover for a year trying to bust, (pun intended, judging from what I've read of the reviews of porn movies,) a Russian Organizatzia plot to get their hands on plans that would make all American stealth fighters obsolete. Who's the culprit? Nick Constantine, an employee of Global Technology. Why? Nick's wife died of leukemia and Global Tech's insurance carrier wouldn't pay for the experimental treatment until it was too late. So he steals the plans and decides to sell them to the Russians. Amanda's daughter, Robyn, is in a gymnastics class but Amanda can't take her because of her job. Nick shows up at a strip club that the bad guys are using as front. Amanda's cover's blown. Her superiors, especially the SAC in San Francisco says that it's no longer safe. They have to send Nick to Los Angeles. Amanda asks to escort him there. Her boss refuses but she insists. She goes home to pack and calls for Robyn. She's gone. She's already left for Los Angeles. Amanda and Constantine arrive in Los Angeles and meet with Agent Moore at a rooftop restaurant. A traffic reporter for an LA radio station is airborne when the earthquake hits. Robyn and her friend Brian are supposed to meet Amanda at a coffee bar. They're on their way up to the observation deck when the earthquake hits. What happens next? See for yourself.
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