A spoof...
20 August 2005
...on what Hunebelle used to do fifteen years before:swashbucklers.The Charlots are abominable actors but André Hunebelle is a veteran.He never made anything but commercial flicks but who could blame him?We have seen worse since.

Daniel Ceccaldi/Paul Préboist /Bernard Haller are quite funny as the Louis the Thirteenth /Father Joseph/Richelieu threesome.The Charlots do not play the part of the four musketeers but those of their valets. Dumas must be turning in his grave :the musketeers are not up to scratch ,that's why the valets are here for!Milady was played by Karin Petersen who starred in the made-for -TV series "la Dame de Montsoreau" ,a must for Alexandre Dumas fans.Sadly ,she was to commit suicide in the early eighties.
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