Everyone on earth should be subjected to this!
18 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled upon this gem from '84 back in October, and have watched it at least once a month since. It's a wonderful slice of 80s cream. It has it all - the hair, the fashion, the music.

Mr T murders the English language and creates some of the most cringeworthy moments in cinematic history, but it's such fun! I have decided to follow the advice of T for the rest of the month... leg bends, star jumps, running on the spot every day! if i fall over or if my boss gives me hassle i'll do some break dancing. if i'm with a group of kids who suddenly run into the sea in all their clothes, i'll bound after them and try to trample the fat kid. and of course, i'll try to find my personal rap...

Truly terrible, but so much so that it is excellent.
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