Vengeance! (1970)
Shaw Brothers Classics: Vengeance!
17 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Vengeance (1970) is a hardcore action film starring David Chiang and Lung Ti. Lung appears in the first act of the film. He's a Peking Opera performer who's sick and tired of all of the corruption going on in town. He confronts the local crime boss but get's nowhere. The boss goes out and has his goon murder Lung. Days later, his crazy brother (David Chiang) comes into town. All he wants to do is find out who killed his brother. Whenever he's unsatisfied with the answers the locals give him or if they question him back, he just breaks limbs or kills them on the spot. Feed up with the non-compliance with the gangsters, David decides to crush them with his superb fighting skills.

Pimped out in a white suit, David storms the bosses hide out and slaughters his way until he meets the boss. Being a boss for so long, he shows David why and delivers some blood letting punishment. After giving him all he could handle, the boss gloats over David's propped up body. This gives ample time for David to give the dumb boss a first hand demonstration of his "quart of blood" technique. With his last bit of energy, David dies in dramatic fashion in front of a local girl who was falling him. Now his brother can rest....and so can he!!

An awesome action film that was heavily copied in John Woo's THE KILLER. Man, he sure loved to copy a lot of great scenes from the Shaw Brothers movies he worked on. If you loved blood soaked action with loads of dead bodies and bone crunching action, then you don't want to miss Vengeance! Make sure you watch the restored Celestial Pictures version. Not only is it in the original language but it's in beautiful Shawscope!

Highly recommended.
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