Review of Eternal

Eternal (2004)
Elizabeth, take me to your 'love den of death'!
16 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Let's not mince words, "Eternal" is an entertaining, beautifully shot, and gorgeously populated movie, but it is not going to be winning any indie awards. So, if you're looking for a movie that is going to make you think deeply about the human condition, challenge previously held ideas about vampires and vampirism, or psychologically dazzle you ... well, you're probably asking for too much ;) "Eternal" kept me interested in what was happening on screen until the closing shot, and in more than a few places I actually found myself awed by how lovely some of the shots were (I so totally want to go to Venice now!). So for being interesting and pretty I'm giving it 7 stars out of 10.

(However, if you're a big fan of rough and pretty femme/femme action, and French accents, then you can bump that on up to an 8.5) Slight

Spoiler Warning for rest of review...

The plot of the movie is your basic murder-by-numbers thriller (only with vampires! Yay!). In a nutshell, the young, pretty wife, of a Montreal Detective Raymond Pope goes missing. Pope dedicates himself to finding out what has happened to his old lady, and his investigation leads him to the home of the beautiful and mysterious Elizabeth Kane (descendant? of the legendary and Evvvvvil Erezbet Bathroy). After this meeting Pope's life becomes filled with death, intrigue, and loss, all of which he believes can be traced back to the reclusive Kane, if only he can prove it! On to the characters: 1. Elizabeth Kane. Truthfully, a huge part of the success of the film is due to Caroline Neron's portrayal of the beautiful, mysterious, and devilish Erezbet Bathroy/Elizbeth Kane. Neron is not only captivating in this role but sizzles as the sexy, charming and most certainly deadly Kane. She manages to enthrall the audience with a dark, exotic charm that leaves the viewer as captivated by 'Elizabeth' as her victims are. This is the first role I have seen Neron in, but I want her get a lot more work after this! One of the greatest things about this character is that she is cold! You do not get any warm/fuzzy feelings for her; she is a predator, not a baby-saving champion, or a broodingly romantic hero. She is a stone cold killer, a lioness in slinky gowns and heels. The scariest thing about her isn't a huge sword, or kung-fu-jitsu-kata or whatever, it is *charm* and the fact that while watching the film you know that if you met her, you'd follow her back to her 'love den of death' like a little puppy, where you would die (probably happy).

2. Detective Pope. Your typical gruff, stubbly, has a problem with authority, babe magnet jerk, with a hidden dark side, and requisite picturesque family and home. Conrad Pla does as well with the role as he can, and was actually very good when the script wasn't making Pope act like yell-y, asshole. However, Detective Pope's ... um, extracurricular activities are something different from your regular 'thriller' fare and create a nice tension between him and Elizabeth.

3. Irina/Inevitable Henchwoman. The Igor to Erezbet Bathroy's Victor Frankenstein, the Robin to her Batman, the Lassie to her kid who owned Lassie (Timmy? Jimmy? Whatever). She is the inevitable henchwoman, and while pretty to look at Victoria Sanchez isn't really called on to do anything here but look pretty and move the plot along. Her characters relationship with Elizabeth had the potential to be very interesting and the actresses did the most with it they could, but the script left them without much to work with.

4. Wine. No seriously, there's a lot of it in this movie. A lot. It's practically it's own character. It is red (always), delicious and DEADLY. I want some, but I'm scared.

So, in conclusion, despite a sometimes predictable/lazy script (and sometimes annoying and under developed characters), and it's pseudo-history, "Eternal" is actually an entertaining movie. The acting is good, the cinematography is beautiful, the cast is pretty, I like vampires, and Caroline Neron is a shot of adrenaline that sets the film back on course whenever it begins to miss a beat. So if you like, vampires, Marlow-ish detectives, cop-dramas, pretty locations, and enchantresses, you should enjoy "Eternal"!
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