Review of The Final Cut

The Final Cut (2004)
What is the point of a Zoe?
15 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I guess I just didn't understand the full point getting a Zoe. First they cost an arm and a leg. Then, during your life your every action is recorded. Then when you die they edit 650,000 hours into a 1 hour funeral service and delete the rest.

Call me crazy, but what a waste of money. Wouldn't the family want at least a few thousand hours? For what you pay, you get so little in return. When my father died, I wouldn't have been happy with a 1 hour service. I would have wanted to be able to see soooo much more, all his high school and college football games, the time he spent with us kids, etc...

Granted I would definitely need a cutter to get rid of all the bathroom time, his dark memories, and intimate time with my mom cut out.

I just couldn't get past what a waste these implants were.
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