A not so wild (but pretty weird) Western remake of "Laura"
15 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
From the strange (but oddly familiar) opening of a woman whose face was in deep shadow being shot by an unseen man, I had strong suspicions that this was riffing on the classic "Laura" device of hero falling for woman whose killing he is investigating....only to discover (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!)that she isn't dead. (See "Sharky's Machine" for my favorite variation.)

Coleen Grey is the dear (but not really) departed (in this case a lovely lady gambling house owner)John Bromfield is the stalwart lawman caught up in investigating her killing, and the ever classy Kent Taylor has the Clifton Webb role of sardonic Pygmalion who can't bear to see his lovely creation flirt with marrying another man.....(especially uncouth Hired Gun Jim Davis).

It goes without saying that none of the actors ever approach the level of the original cast...and that the sparkling byplay (and even more sparkling Homosexual subtext ) bit the Western Dust...but there is no denying the delicious semi surprise when (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!)Grey turns up alive....

Minus the ex-Noir overtones....this is typical no budget oater..... with some rather silly fight scenes...and clumsy handling of many flashbacks....

Worth a brief look for the curious.
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