Popcultured (2005–2006)
Popcultured is like your TV is vomiting.
11 August 2005
If you haven't read the Eye Mag review of Popcultured that somebody posted here you should. Because that really sums up how awful Popcultured with Elvira Kurt is.

I can't begin to believe how anybody could put this show together and think it was a good idea. What was the hiring process for the people on the show? None of them belong on TV and the writers (I think the same people) obviously can't write a joke to save their life so with no talent at all why do they have a TV show to call their very own? Do they have pictures of government officials murdering babies or something? Bribery must have something to do with it. Otherwise these people would all be at home in their basement where they belong, doing anything other than telling bad jokes on TV.

Not only did some idiot think up this show but they went all the way through shooting it. Then they put it on TV and even though everybody hates it they still are not just broadcasting this awful show but they are making new ones! The Comedy Network has proved time and again that they don't care about what their viewers want to see and they don't care how bad their shows are.

If that's their attitude they should just be forced to air reruns of Kids in the Hall and American shows that don't suck so much.
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