Hellraiser: Deader (2005 Video)
Apt title - describes the writer and director perfectly
9 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever made this monstrosity deserves to feel the wrath of Pinhead's chains. Just when I thought they couldn't make a bad Hellraiser movie, along comes Hellraiser 7. Even if you could even call it a Hellraiser movie, this movie has the acting standards of Baywatch, a ridiculous storyline to match South Park, and features Pinhead and the cenobites for almost less than Inferno. For Hellraiser 5, this was necessary as the storyline was geared towards "The Engineer" and the expectation of this demon. Deader instead focuses on a stupid cult who have found a loophole in the Lament Configuration mechanics and are walking the earth dead. It's confusing and is so silly, and you won't care about any of the characters anyway. The directors also achieve to make a Hellraiser movie look like Tom & Jerry within the last few minutes when the Brit is convincingly killed, only for him to shout a witty one liner before toppling to the ground.

Pinhead has been disgraced.

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