It's Your Move (1984–1985)
Fantastic, forgotten classic
8 August 2005
I never saw this show when it was on the air (I was four years old at the time), but a coworker has this on DVD (I think it's an "unofficial" copy). Let me just say right now that this series ranks amongst the very best of all the great 80's sitcoms.

Everyone seems to be in love with the Dregs Of Humanity episodes, and for good reason. But they are all great in their own way. It's a shame that they didn't allow this series to go on.

In the end, please see this if you can. Please bug the heck out of the studios or the powers that be for this to get its long-deserved proper release. Then we can all sit back and think of what could've been had this great show been allowed to grow.
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