Short Circuit (1986)
A « War Games » Clone (dvd)
7 August 2005
It's not a surprise because the two movies have the same director: James Badham. (And, if you are a movie fan, you will see even a third movie of this director, in a funny April egg…). Thus, if you like "War Games", you'll like "Short Circuit":

· The same 80's feeling · The same energetic actress · The same background: electronic, war, and military · The same choice for a light comedy….

But, the difference is the scope: unlike "War Games" which have worldly consequences, "Short Circuit" is more centered around a peaceful northern town.

Another reference would be "Frankenstein": a machine becomes human… But, don't worry: there's nothing to be afraid of here. On the contrary, the robot is cool, his learning shows some good tricks.

All this, without digital effects. It was the time of real things. Sure, actually "number 5" would do impossible stuff, but the limitation of that time gives an unique flavor, which is similar of the one I felt while in 80's, I discovered 60's classic movies….

A good recommendation…..
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