odd mixture of Japanese and Amercan influences, with odd French tinting
3 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
lets blend enormous chunks of "Blade", "Vampires", "Buffy", "Vampirella", and every other movie with armed Vampire hunters. But lets also toss in the whole Japanese girl superhero tradition, and slather it all with odd color tinting, and Hair. There is quite a bit of influence from stuff like "Eko Eko Azarak", and "La Blue Girl", but without the extreme sexual touches. And the odd coloring hearkens back to French pop product of the 60's, like the "Fantomas" series. but the kidnapping of the Pope, and his discussions with his rescuers, are almost priceless. Surprisingly for such a derivative project, it's rather fresh, and even occasionally inventive. it will sell more in America, when it gets re-dubbed, and receives a standard hard rock soundtrack. it pulls some unexpected touches more frequently as it goes along, and is quite enjoyable. the "Kill Bill 1" crowd, should just love it.
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