The Fear (1995)
Better than Nytol (c) no. 5: The Fear....
3 August 2005
The Fear (1995) was a total snooze fest. I saw this movie several years ago on cable t.v. For the life of me I had no idea why I even bother watching the entire movie. I never thought I would experience such a lame horror film (that was until I watched a couple of Asylum productions). The only saving grace was the attractive mail order bride from Europe that guest star Vince Edwards shared screen time with. The story (if you want to know or bothering even caring about) has something to do with a wooden statue and a psycho killer. Horror hack Wes Craven makes a cameo appearance as a doctor.

Put this bad boy in your D.V.D. player. Is it so lame and offensive that'll make you want to smash your t.v. set? No, it's lame in the sense that it'll put you to sleep in no time. Just wait until the European woman makes an appearance, then you'll have something to think about when you nod off. I would have to pass on this movie and run away from it the next time I see it on the video store shelf or on t.v.

Not at all recommended.
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