Review of Chimera

Chimera (1991– )
Sober and under-rated, ahead of its time
3 August 2005
Two things let down this prophetic drama; poorly-shot special effects and a long, unnecessary setting-up sequence about a nurse getting a job that takes up most of the first episode (apparently it was originally scripted to start right in at the clinic but the producers insisted on adding the extra material. obviously a long bus ride is their idea of a good time.) But once the real story starts we're into a very dark and uncompromising meditation on cruelty and humanity that was considered science fictional back in 1991 but which has moved within reach today. The identity and status of a creature with an animal physique and a human mentality is a matter for urgent and ongoing debate, and the drama dared to imagine that such a creature might not be denied a voice in its own fate.
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