surprisingly moving soap opera of sorts
1 August 2005
This is among my favorite Bette Davis movies. While not perfect, the story and romance suck you right in and make it hard to stop watching.

Ms. Davis plays against type, as she is the almost sickeningly wonderful nanny who ultimately beguiles married Charles Boyer. You see, Bette is hired to care for his children because his wife is a self-centered hypochondriac and has less maternal instincts than the average hamster. However, despite Boyer falling for the nanny, the nanny is chaste and won't consider breaking up the marriage--even if it is such an unhappy one. Eventually, the wife realizes that her husband has fallen head over heels and what she does in response is too good to divulge--it would help to ruin the movie for you.

If you want great acting, a tight script and a bit of a soapy romance (and who doesn't now and again?), give this movie a try.
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