Too Bad!
30 July 2005
Am I a jerk or what? I loved Duddy Kravitz. Even though he's a back stabbing, robbing crook of a shmuck, who has every right to be despised, I wound up rooting for him anyways. Do I feel guilty? Absolutely not! And here's why. Richard Dreyfuss.

Based on Mordechai Richler's novel about growing up in 1950's Montreal. He's got the world coming to him. Well, at least he thinks he does. Quick to take advantage of every opportunity thrown at him, sometimes he gets way over his head, but that doesn't let him down for long, for soon he's after his next big score. Whether it be independent movies. Pinball, or a giant lakeside property.

My god, Richard Dreyfuss is the heart and soul of this movie. I am clearly lacking any idea of who else could have pulled this performance off so flawlessly. The supporting cast, including Micheline Lanctôt, Jack Warden, and, in a stunning performance, Randy Quaid, are all great. But Dreyfuss just steamrolls over them, literally and figuratively.
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