Nazis in drag
29 July 2005
The History Channel is running a series titled "Hitler's Women". One episode features Zarah Leander, clips from this movie, behind the scenes information, and its historical context. The high point for me came when the Nazi film studio UFA dressed Hitler's personal guard in drag, complete with FAIRY WINGS and heavy eye makeup, to stand behind Zarah in an ornate, Flo Ziegfeld style production number. They had to do this because Zarah was very tall, and UFA couldn't find enough tall, pretty women. Blow ups of stills from this scene clearly show the rather grim faced "chorus girls" were really men.

German actor Hans Blech, who later played the German officer who first sees the invasion in The Longest Day and a German aide to nasty Nazi Col. Hessler in The Battle of The Bulge, served in the German Army in WW2.

During the filming of this movie he recalls wearing a lieutenant's uniform as he walked backstage past the half dressed guards. He couldn't resist, and shouted "Achtung!" The guards instinctively snapped to attention, as their wigs went askew and their dresses fell off. Ah, Nazis in drag. Somebody oughta make a movie. BC
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