A little irked at the production people for this one... (minor spoiler)
25 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK, this follows the plot line of almost any no-fail-direct-to-video b movie. Group of kids following a few of the stock archetypes (stoners, oversexed girls and their horny boyfriends, idiot leader, cliché pseudo-intellectuals... et cetera) are out on some voyage. Our director chose one of the more popular type: camping. So they go out camping, have a rough start, meet Gary Busey (THIS IS CRUCIAL!!!), and set out into misadventure. Of course, they end up staying in a cabin that belongs to Jeremiah.

Luckily for the audience, Jeremiah starts to remove from society our lovable youthful cast, as per every b flick. For the most part the movie was done really well. Scenes to remember include: Harold, the Janitor, and his criticism of modern amenities and philosophy; Every scene with the Sheriff or his bumbling deputy; and the chicken store/gas station.

At the chicken farm, Gary Busey stars as the butcher in one of his best rolls ever. He is witty, nutty, covered in blood, and best of all, in a light blue three piece suit and tie. Bam, phenomenal. Honestly, he was the entire reason I rented the film. When it comes down to choosing from Hasting's array of B Horror movies, touting Gary Busey is important. Especially when he is THE FIRST CREDITED ON THE BACK. In the synopsis on the case, it even makes mention of his character. -- hardcore -- or so I thought...

Attention, spoiler to follow: Gary Busey is in this movie for approximately two minutes. He makes those two minutes worth it, but I spent the ENTIRE DURATION OF THE FILM WAITING FOR HIM TO SHOW UP AGAIN... and he never does. This pisses me off to no end because his NAME WAS FIRST CREDITED AND HIS PICTURE IS ON THE DVD CASE. Yes, on the DVD jacket cover, Gary Busey's picture is two to three times larger than the actual stars of the film. I figure in the world of 'super size' and 'texas' bigger is better and more important. Well, apparently I was had because Gary Busey (who is credited as the star of the movie... or so it seemed) is a bit part and he NEVER COMES BACK. Gentle reader, please do not expose yourself to this example of capitalist crap. Instead, let me direct you to a much better film: House of the Dead.

House of the Dead is based off the Arcade Game of the same name (yes, the one we all spent our allowance in at Aladdin's Castle). At any rate, there are zombies (which make much better villains than Jeremiah any day), guns, fake raves, the Puget Sound, and Jürgen Prochnow. The best part of the movie is that it advertises Jürgen Prochnow (yes, THE Jürgen Prochnow from Das Boot) and Jürgen makes the movie worth watching. Also, hes in the flick for a decent amount of time, esp. for a bit part.

Love, Matt
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