Snowbeast (1977 TV Movie)
A middle-of-the-road spectacle of quasi-hilarity.
22 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Me and my fellow Brit have just concluded the viewing experience of "Snowbeast" on our very own Horror (that's a backwards R, folks) channel. It was monumentally poor, very slowly paced and played out as something of a cross between "Murder, She Wrote" and "Snowbeast". If you're of the type that likes to watch Z-grade movies of the kind that are entertaining by right of their unintentional badness, you're in for a treat. Although I will add that the body count and overall gore quotient are very low. There is something endearing about how tame the general tone of the film is, especially when compared to such tour de force contemporary entries to the genre like the brilliant "The Descent". It makes a refreshing change (in its own awful way, I hasten to remind you) from the deluge of sex/violence/expletive-ridden horror that occupies our local video stores.
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