Star Trek Phase II (2004–2023)
My 2 Cents On New Voyages
22 July 2005
I happened to have stumbled onto to STNV totally by accident. I am a long time Star Trek fan and pride myself on my following of all of the series from beginning to end. I watched TOS as a boy from start to finish and then over the years watched each episode many many times. I am one of those fans that, if you were just a smidge MORE of a fan than I, you would have a closet full of federation uniforms and be able to speak conversational Klingon. I did attend a few conventions and I had fun, but never dressed up or anything.

This is all by way of saying STNV really surprised me. I found the stories and scripts to be excellent. Very much on a par with TOS and in some ways it is superior. I was thrilled to see Bill Windom make a final bow as Decker and I marveled at what I saw to be some nice direction and computer graphic work. The two episodes I have watched were far superior to ANY fan film I have ever encountered. As Tim Allen said in Galaxy Quest, "It's usually just some cardboard sets in a garage".

I do need to say a word or two about the acting though. It is, for the most part, patently bad. Some raw talent here and there, but with the exception of the young lady playing Uhura (an NYU Tisch School of the Arts grad) there is not a spec of training amongst the regulars and, for the most part, they are blocks of wood. This is the area in which you see the amateur "FAN" side of this fan film. All other aspects are pretty first rate.

Bravo to all who take part. 7 out of 10
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