Review of Hotel Room

Hotel Room (1993)
Hotel Room .... DVD VIDEO
17 July 2005
ARE THE EDITORS SMART ENOUGH TO PICK UP THIS INFORMATION AND MAKE THE CORRECTIONS. Please let me know. David Lynch's Hotel Room does not have the full cast listed, they go to great length to add producers, a lot of crew members but not the significant actors, such as Glenn Headly, and Harry Dean Stanton. Go to these actors IMDb pages and verify, go to Leonard Maltins comments for Headly and verify as well. Can the editors go the extra mile for good customer service, and check with other sources and get the correct information, let us hope so!!! This is a popular DVD because Lynch is such a great director and hard to find at video stores. I'm sure IMDb has other sources to check. You have a great web site but often info is sketchy and you rely on us fans to set the record straight... THANK YOU
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