How Bad is Bad? Not bad enough for this one.
16 July 2005
OK so this movie is really old. Its 14 years old in 2005. So why on earth did I watch this horrible movie? Because I got it free and I have watched all my good movies at least twice already.

The version I saw was the screeners version. So prior to this movie it had a bunch of bogus reviews say "This movie is better then the Terminator and RoboCop combined". It really should be, "this movie is 10 times worse than T3 and the TV Robocop movies!" Basically what it is, and it isn't afraid to show it is this movie is a rip off of Terminator. The music, the cold facial features and so much more.

This movie is one of those bad movies that you watch 14 years later and wonder what the movie going audience was thinking when they paid $6 to see this movie when it first came out. They probably felt ripped off.

So if you are looking for a movie to watch, don't watch this movie, if you can find it to rent or borrow don't there is much better use of your time. Like watching paint dry, cleaning the cat litter box, scrubbing that ketchup stain out of the carpet, and much more anything but watching this movie. This movie was so bad, I had to write this review to warn others.
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