Pretty funny, low-budget movie
15 July 2005
I had been tracking this movie for many years. I discovered it when it was in production and thought the premise was great... either they'd get it perfect or they'd flub it up big time. I never got to see it in any theater, and, after actually giving up on it, happened to stumble across it on Netflix.

The movie is very low budget. There are several shots that are fuzzy focus, bad angles, and needed white balance. But they are few and mostly in the beginning of the film.

That said, this movie is well worth the watching. It was very funny, and it kept me throughout. The acting is strong and humorous. It is really a shame this did not make it into a broader distribution. The production values are a little low, though, which may have done it in. In my mind, I went in with Lost Skeleton of Cadavra to compare it to.

I would recommend anyone getting this movie. The comedy is really what pulls it through.
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