Review of Bell from Hell

Dimwitted offering from Europe
14 July 2005
A young man is released from an institution of some sort, hints are offered that he has legal issues pending, and we assume he is of dubious mental stability. He heads directly for a slaughterhouse where he briefly works but then leaves, stating "I learned what I need to know" (which includes grisly scenes of cows being butchered). From there it's off to resolve long-standing disputes with relatives, including a trio of young cousins, with whom the young man shares sadistic and incestuous ties. While I'm a fan of European films from this era that dwell on strange behavior from misfits of all sorts, this effort fails to deliver to those seeking thrills, horror or titillation. It certainly has all the quirky features of a European thriller from the 70's, but it was a bit thin on all 3 of the above elements. I can't recommend it.
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